Kristi Allpere
April 20, 2018
Marianne Brokaw
April 20, 2018

Mai-Liis Bartling

Why I Joined?


Being Estonian-American has always been an important part of my identity. My own family's story has been a source of inspiration, and today it is not hard to be proud of the accomplishments of a free Estonia. But, why join the EANC? Two reasons really: first, to better understand the work of this national organization, and how we in the San Francisco bay area (where I live) can connect with and support its aims. For me, comprehending how very small the number of Estonian-Americans is -- about 25,000 -- is an invitation to participate fully. Although Estonians have a reputation for "punching above their weight," one has the sense that no one is surplus, everyone is needed. Now my second reason: I have been happily married to a non-Estonian for many years and my children, as well as my nieces and nephews, regard themselves as "1/2 Estonians." They, too, would like to be part of the Estonian-American community, but are not sure how. An important question that EANC is engaged with now is how to "build a bigger tent," i.e. tap into the interests, energy and talents of all those connected by heritage, marriage, friendship, academic interest, whatever! -- to insure that there continues to be a community of people with a deep connection to their Estonian heritage and who feel deeply invested in Estonia's future.

Mai-Liis Bartling is president of the San Francisco Eesti Selts / Estonian Society and an EANC Board membe