Ave Blithe
April 20, 2018
Kristi Allpere
April 20, 2018

Kadri Linask-Goode

Why I Joined?


As I near the end of my first term as an EANC council member, I am taking the opportunity to reflect on why I joined EANC.

As a first generation Estonian-American growing up in New Jersey, I existed in a patently patriotic, Estonia-focused, environment. Estonian traditions, language, culture, family, friends, and Estonian-American organizations were the framework for my childhood in the 1970’s and 1980’s. “Freedom for Estonia,” “Preserve the Estonian language,” “Preserve the Estonian heritage” were the rallying cries. With having my parents and extended family active in Estonian-American organizations, it’s been a family “volunteer habit,” with involvement in Estonian-American organizations a calling that has always been a part of my life.

However, it’s not about the past. While history is important and being connected with where we come from often a natural inclination and a part of individual identity, being a part of an organization such as EANC is not about the past. It’s about the present and connecting and representing the wider diaspora, the refugees, their descendants, Estonians from Estonia, and Estophiles - all valuable parts of a Estonian-American virtual community.

The events and opportunities that constitute the Estonian-American experience in the United States are driven by people passionate about their connection to Estonia and Estonians. It matters that there are people and an organization who have consciously focused on the Estonian-American community. The main driver for my involvement in EANC has been to help maintain organized support for a collective Estonian-American culture to thrive alongside political activism in support of the Estonia through the Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC).

Identifying new and meaningful opportunities to support the evolving Estonian-American experience takes people of all ages, experiences, and backgrounds to bring new ideas and passions to EANC. There are traditions that should be preserved for the sake of history, traditions that are worth preserving to maintain progress, and then there are new traditions to be instituted to carry forward the evolving mission of EANC to support the interests of Estonian-Americans. I support EANC for these reasons with my time and donations.