President Ilves: Europe must not be afraid 15.11.2015
November 16, 2015
Foreign Minister Marina Kaljurand’s message to Estonian expatriates on the occasion of 25th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Estonia /Välisminister Marina Kaljuranna tervitus väliseestlastele Eesti Vabariigi taasiseseisvumise 25. aastapäeval
August 22, 2016

Mary B. Nippert is new Honorary Consul of Estonia for Ohio and Kentucky.

The Consulate General of the Republic of Estonia in New York is pleased to announce that Ms. Mary B. Nippert of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been appointed as the first ever Estonian Honorary Consul to the states of Ohio and Kentucky. In her 30’s, she is one of the youngest Honorary Consuls for any country in the United States. Mary B. Nippert
Ms. Nippert, a jeweler, is active in the non-profit sector and her immediate family includes such notables as the late diplomat, Judge A.K. Nippert (first foreign born, later to become naturalized citizen, Eminent Supreme Archon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity), the Lt. Governor of Ohio, the late Carl L. Nippert, as well as philanthropists, the late Louis (Great-Grandson and heir to James Gamble, co-founder of the Procter & Gamble Co.) and Louise (Dieterle) Nippert, who were majority owners of the Cincinnati Reds and minority owners of the Cincinnati Bengals professional sport franchises. She is directly descended from Baltic nobility, with ties to Estonia, through her Great-Grandmother, Countess Ida (von Uexkull-Gyllenband) Nippert. While not a member of First Families of Virginia, through her English ancestry, Ms. Nippert also descends from one of first families of that Colony. Ms. Nippert was educated at the University of Cincinnati, Oxford University (England), United States Naval Academy and Gemological Institute of America.
Estonia, a NATO and EU member, is a growing trade partner with the United States, particularly in technology and energy sectors, and Ms. Nippert will help coordinate and develop business, cultural and educational ties between the nations.  The establishment of an Honorary Consulate in Ohio and Kentucky by Estonia is of importance because of the significant manufacturing, agriculture and technology base in the region, as well as the large number of internationally important universities located in the two states.
The Ceremonial Opening of the Honorary Consulate of Estonia for Ohio and Kentucky, will be April 29, 2016, in Cincinnati, Ohio.   Ms. Nippert’s e-mail is