Estonians in America Book
November 28, 2018
EANC September Events
November 29, 2018

First Annual Meeting with New EANC XXII Council

EANC’s council for the 2018-2022 term held its first annual meeting in Philadelphia over the weekend of
November 3-4, 2018. Twenty-eight of thirty council members attended, along with Estonian Society
representatives from seventeen communities around the U.S. (some of whom are also council
members). Several special guests rounded out the busy and informative weekend agenda.

Estonian Ambassador to the U.S. Jonatan Vseviov led off the guest speakers with greetings from the
Estonian government and remarks stressing the importance of diaspora involvement in issues ranging
from security to cultural and language preservation. He identified as one of Estonia’s priorities “making
sure that NATO is capable and credible” to defend against the Russian threat. The U.S. can’t be secure
without a secure Europe, meaning “defense of the U.S. starts at the Narva River.” Making the case to
Congress of alignment between U.S. security interests and Estonia’s is one way Estonian Americans can
help maintain U.S. support for NATO, which Estonia relies on as a primary deterrent against Russian
aggression across its borders.

Other guest speakers included Estonian American Andy Prozes, who talked about his support and
promotion of Estonian entrepreneurs and start-ups in the U.S. and Canada. American Latvian
Association president Peter Blumbergs and Joint Baltic American National Committee (JBANC) managing
director Karl Altau informed the audience on the work of JBANC and the importance and successes of
cooperation among the Baltic American communities. Kärt Ulman, editor-in-chief at Nordic Press,
highlighted the unique role Vaba Eesti Sõna plays in publishing news of interest to Estonian Americans
and providing an historical archive of the evolution of Estonian American institutions and activities since
the newspaper’s inception in 1949.

Another important undertaking for the meeting was the election of this term’s board and officers.
Marju Rink-Abel of Maryland was elected to her fourth term as president. The following officers were
also elected: Mai-Liis Bartling of California – Vice President for Strategy; Matti Prima of New Jersey –
Vice President for Outreach and Treasurer; and Tiina Urv of Maryland – Secretary. The other board
members are:

Kristi Allpere – Georgia
Marianne Brokaw – Michigan
Ivan Kavoleff – New Jersey
Sirje Kiin – South Dakota
Jüri Koll – California
Viivianne Malmgren – Virginia
Terje van Schaik – Florida
Toomas Tubalkain – Ohio (alternate)

The new council and board are excited to continue building on the great work EANC has done and
finding new ways to be more helpful and relevant to the Estonian American community nationwide.
Facilitating better connections among communities and engaging Estonian American youth were among
the priorities discussed. EANC is looking forward to actively serving and engaging with its constituents
over the next four years.