

ERKÜ toetas laste väljapanekut EV100 kohta/ EANC supports children’s EV100 presentation

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 09:26PM

Kadri Jacobsen Oregonis saatis hiljuti ERKÜle palve:

“Minu 8 aastane tütar Annika on giidide grupis Eugene, Oregonis. 3. veebruaril tähistatakse Oregonis giididega World Thinking Day’d ning selle raames erinevad rühmad on esindamas erinevaid riike. Minu tütre rühm esindab Eestit. Oma väljapanekus räägivad nad Eesti Vabariigi sünnipäevast, Lottest ja Eesti huntidest. Lugesin eile infolehest, et toetate EV100 tähistamist. Tüdrukud on ostnud värvilised paberid ja muu vajaliku Eesti lippude valmistamiseks. Samuti tellisid nad peenleiba, et külalistele oleks mida pakkuda. Kahjuks pole neil piisavalt raha, et kaunistada oma väljapanekut. Oleks tore kui neil oleks siniseid, musti ja valgeid õhupalle ning muid kaunistusi, mis nende väljapanekule tähelepanu lisaks. Kas teil oleks nende projekti võimalik toetada?”

ERKÜ otsustas toetada, ja pärast üritust kirjutas Kadri Jacobsen uuesti:

“Meil oli tore üritus laupäeval ja 300 lapse ringis astus meie väljapaneku juurest läbi. Jagasime infomaterjale Eesti kohta ja pakkusime peenleiba. Võtame oma väljapaneku kaasa 24. veebruaril ka Portlandi vabariigi aastapäeva pidustustele…. Meil oli üks vahva päev ning nüüd tüdrukud soovivad raha säästa, et mõne aasta pärast juba oma silmaga Eestimaad näha.”


EANC supports children’s EV100 presentation

Kadri Jacobsen from Oregon recently sent a request to EANC:

“My 8-year-old daughter Annika belongs to a girl scout troop here in Eugene, Oregon. On February 3, Oregon girl scouts will celebrate World Thinking Day; troops will do presentations on various countries.  My daughter’s troop will represent Estonia; for their presentation they will talk about EV100, Lotte and wolves.  I read in your newsletter that EANC is supporting local EV100 events.  The girls have bought colored paper and other materials to make Estonian flags.  They also bought rye bread to offer guests.  Unfortunately, they don’t have enough money to decorate their exhibit. It would be nice if they could have blue, black and white balloons and other decorations to draw attention to their display.  Could you help?”

EANC agreed to help and Kadri Jacobsen wrote again after the event:

“We had a great event and 300 children viewed our exhibit.  We distributed information about Estonia and offered tastes of rye bread.  We will show our exhibit on Feb. 24 at Portland’s EV100 celebration.  WE had a wonderful day, and the girls now want to save money to visit Estonia themselves.”

Posted by Linda Rink | Comments Off | Share Article


Schedule of U.S. Estonia 100 events

Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 04:52PM

Rockville, MD

18ndal veebruaril esineb meile koigile tuntud Mart Sander oma bandiga Swing Swindlers Eesti 100 raames Rockvilles Marylandis hubases Golden Samovari restoranis. Pilet $50 sisaldab sooke/jooke. tapsem info fb lehel.
Washington DC/ Baltimore

Washington and Baltimore Estonian societies invite you to celebrate EV100 on Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 6 PM to midnight at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, 2800 S. Potomac Ave., Arlington, VA 22202.  More info at: www.washingtonestoniansociety.com.


Seattle celebration will be on Saturday, February 24, 2018.  For more details, contact: carolileiman@gmail.com.

Los Angeles

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CELEBRATE THE 100th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Estonia Saturday, February 24th, 2018.

Social Hour begins at 1:00 pm.Estonia 100 Plaque unveiling at 1:30 pm.Program commences at 2:00 pmat the Estonian House, 1306 West 24th Street, Los Angeles Telephone: (323) 732-4362

South Florida

Estonian National Association of South Florida is having two EV100 events:

01.28. 18 - Reception to ERSO and composer Neeme Järvi, Holiday Inn Palm Beach-Airport Conference Center

03.01.18 - EV100 celebration. Marriott Hotel West Palm Beach

Details for both events are at: https://squareup.com/store/estonian-national-association-of-sf

For more information, contact Terje van Schaik, mailto:floridaeesti@gmail.com


The Connecticut Estonian Society, Inc. cordially invites you to the celebration of Estonia’s 100th Independence Day: Saturday, February 24th, 2018, Sheraton Hartford South Hotel, Rocky Hill, CT.  For more infomation: erik@linask.net, mtlaan@att.net, 860-875-7997, or 203-269-0796

Lakewood, New Jersey

Estonia 100 celebration on February 24th 2018, from 2-8 pm, at Lakewood Estonian House, Lakewood, NJ. For more information, contact Helica Deshaw, Phone: 732-905-9737,lakewoodestonianhouse@gmail.com


To honor Estonia’s Centenary, the Detroit area Estonian Educational Society “Kodu” is organizing a celebration on February 24, 2018 at the St. Paul Latvian church in Farmington Hills, Michigan. For more information, contact Krista Pardi, 248-912-8450, kristapardi@gmail.com

San Francisco

“EV 100 by the Bay” will be held on Saturday, February 24 at Plug and Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale.  Doors will open at 6 pm and the evening’s program will include a keynote address by Lauri Malksoo, professor of international law, Tartu University. For more infomation, contact Mai-Liis Bartling, at mailiisbartling@yahoo.com


The representatives from the three Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have come together in Atlanta, GA to celebrate Baltics Centennial. The event takes place on March 4th, 2018, starting at 3 PM through 11 PM at City of Lights. For more information, contact Aadu Allpere, Estonian Honorary Consul for the state of Georgia or Kristi Allpere, Atlanta Estonian Cultural Society (AECS),  (404) 806-7757, e-mail: aadu.allpere@mfa.ee

Central Florida / Kesk Florida   

Central Florida celebration of the Estonian 100 Independence Day will be on Saturday, March 10, 2018starting at 11:00 AM.  It will be held at the Feather Sound Country Club in the Feather Sound part of Clearwater, FL.  The venue is close to interstate 275 South and only 20 minutes from Tampa International airport.  For more information by email, contact Kersti Linask at kklinask@gmail.com.

New York City

EV 100 aasta gala 31 martsil 2018/ March 31, 2018: Marriott Essex House Grand Salon, 160 Central Park South, New York. Contact: Tiina Vaska, ttvaska@yahoo.com.  Details: https://www.estonianculture.org/ev100/


Join Boston Balts to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of our independence. Baltic Boston will take place November 23rd-25th, 2018 in Copley Square.  For more information or to become a sponsor or a vendor, email info@BalticBoston.com.

Posted by Linda Rink | Comments Off | Share Article

Estonia celebrates 25 years since the restoration of independence

Sunday, June 18, 2017 at 04:25PM

Link to excellent article in Estonian World, http://estonianworld.com/life/estonia-celebrates-the-day-of-restoration-of-independence/, published August 19, 2016.

Posted by Linda Rink | Comments Off | Share Article

Eesti Vabariik 100 väliseesti kultuuriühingute projektikonkurss

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 07:28PM

Eesti Vabariik 100 väliseesti kultuuriühingute projektikonkurss:


NB ! Antud projektikonkursi eelarve on 40 000 eurot, ühele projektile eraldatav toetus on kuni 8000 eurot, kaasfinantseering ja/või omafinantseering peab olema vähemalt 20% eelarvest  ja projektide abikõlbulikkuse periood on kuni 11.11.16 - 31.12.2018.


Sandra Nuudi
MISA rakenduskeskuse koordinaator
Tel: 659 9855

Heilika Pikkov
EV100 ja EL eesistumise rahvusvahelise programmi haldur
Tel: 56 91 20 91

Posted by Linda Rink | Comments Off | Share Article

Sign up for Eesti 100 Juubel newsletter

Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 12:19PM

If you are interested in signing up for the Eesti 100 juubeli e-newsletter, you can do so via the webpages below:

https://ev100.ee/en (in English)

www.ev100.ee (eestikeeles)