Estonians in America

“Estonians in America, 1945-1995: Exiles in a Land of Promise,” — History of Estonians in America Now Published !

The Estonian American National Council is taking orders for “Estonians in America, 1945-1995: Exiles in a Land of Promise,” the history of Estonians in the United States from the time of the World War II. The hard-cover book has over 560 pages, and provides details and photos on the history and activities of Estonian refugees, and their descendants, who came to the U.S. after Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union.

Editor Priit Vesilind has built on the manuscript originally prepared by Mr. Enn Kõiva, with contributions by many other individuals. Mr. Vesilind, currently a freelance writer, is a former senior writer and photojournalist for National Geographic magazine.

“Estonians in America, 1945-1995: Exiles in a Land of Promise,” is the perfect gift for your friends and family. Also consider donating a copy to your local public library, as it is an important historical reference book.

The cost by check is $97.50 ($90.00 plus $7.50 for regular shipping and handling. Please use the order form below.

You can also pay by credit card via PayPal at a slightly higher cost to cover PayPal fees: $100.50 including shipping and handling. Click on the DONATE Button on the right. Please include your mailing address and e-mail!

Expedited shipping is available for an additional cost: $106.00 with check, $110.00 if paying by PayPal/credit card.

Contact: Linda Rink, EANC Executive Director: 215-546-5863,


 “To everyone involved in this book: KUDOS TO YOU ALL!! … it's an absolutely beautiful book that I am so happy I ordered.  My almost 96 year old mother, Juta Jarver, lives with us and is legally blind. It has become a nightly ritual for me to read sections of the book...It was a walk down memory lane… I just had to write to thank you for all the hard work on this book and I am hoping somebody will continue from 1995-2015?  Thank you again for a wonderful treasure!” -  Tiina Jarver-Ers

“Suur töö tehtud, suur tähtsus ajalooliselt, ja suurepärane välimus… Kui see töö algas mõtlesin ka meie pere loo saata --mina saabusin siia 1960 aastal okupeeritud Eestist üksinda Detroiti, vanemad saabusid siia 1949 aastal Augsburgist. Aga hakkasin mõtlema, et see pole just perekonna raamat, on palju erinevaid teid, kuidas siia jõuti.” - Anne-Reet Pauga

 “It is fascinating and wonderful!  Suur tänu!”  - Tõnu Kalam

 “It is a remarkable book and the most extraordinary book that I’ve seen in a very long time.  Many, many thanks to everyone involved in the project.”  - Andres Wirkmaa