November 27, 2018

EANC supported the #StopMilitaryAggressionInUkraine protest

Yesterday EANC supported the #StopMilitaryAggressionInUkraine protest hosted by #USUkraineActivists and #UnitedHelpUkraine in front of the Russian embassy. #PutinHandsOffUkraine #CrimeaIsUkraine A big thanks to Nadiya Shaporynska for sharing her photos! Also note […]
November 14, 2018

Estonian Experts in DC

Two Washington think tanks recently held their annual events looking at the security situation and hybrid threats in the transatlantic sphere.  Both featured Estonian officials speaking […]
June 15, 2018


General elections for EANC’s XXII Council will take place this year.  Members are elected for four years.  31 candidates submitted applications.  EANC’s annual meeting will be […]
October 28, 2017

Two Perspectives on Western Security and Russia

America’s NATO Problem:  We’ve Forgotten Why We’re a Member, Jeffrey Rathke, Center for Strategic & International Studies (, May 24, 2017 What Does Russia Want? Commentary […]