Kadri Linask-Goode
April 20, 2018
Mai-Liis Bartling
April 20, 2018

Kristi Allpere

Why I Joined?


My reason for joining ERKU is"Passion" for things Estonian- "Passion" for our Estonian Heritage and "Pride" in our Story,,as well as a deep desire to keep it "out there" and relevant for all the generations--- the slowly diminishing WW2 generation, the "Born in American" generation and the recent emigrees from Estonia, as well as their offspring.

With great pride I have been deeply committed to Estonian events, people, clubs and organizations over 25-30 years--in Canada, Europe and the USA, I felt it was time to try and step up to the National US/Estonian level and to see how I might be of service and make a difference.

The actual Trigger was the Crimean invasion disaster which had over-shadowed our Atlanta Estonian Independence Day Celebration weekend. Our special guest was Ambassador to the US Marina Kaljurand. The ensuing discussions and conversations about the effects and ramifications of the takeover on Estonia and the International community aroused in me the "Passion" to attempt "do something" beyond my Estonian and US community work in Atlanta.
Basically, I got "mighty angry" and decided to inquire about becoming a candidate for ERKU/EANC.

Maybe, just maybe, I could help to keep telling our Story and keeping it alive and relevant in today's complex international climate. Complacency did not feel like an option!
After submitting my resume, I was fortunate enough to be elected and asked to become a Board member. This is a great privilege of which I am extremely proud !

If you have this passion and respect for our common heritage, please think about volunteering to serve on the ERKU Council. Also please donate as generously as you are able .
Our Estonian "work" needs manpower, energy, ideas and funds in order to succeed and carry on into the future.