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12 part series “American Estonians vol 2” / 12 osaline saatesari “Ameerika eestlased vol 2”

The twelve part series “American Estonians vol 2” started on Sunday, January 13th at 7:30PM Estonian time (12:30PM Eeastern Standard Time in US) on Tallinn TV. The series can also be watched live online at
The series consists of 40 interviews with Estonians living on the US east coast. Thanks to the help of Dr. Toomas Sõrra, president of the NY Estonian House, and the late Juhan Simonson, long time president of the Estonian American National Council, the producers met people in Washington DC, New Jersey, New York and Boston.
In part one we hear from the family of architect Lembit Kiil, Estonian World Council president Jaak Juhansoo, Rein and Anu Pirn from Massachusetts and the young and talented composer Lembit Beecher.

The twelve part series “American Estonians vol 2” starts on Sunday, January 13th at 7:30PM Estonian time (12:30PM Eeastern Standard Time in US) on Tallinn TV. The series can also be watched live online at
The series consists of 40 interviews with Estonians living on the US east coast. Thanks to the help of Dr. Toomas Sõrra, president of the NY Estonian House, and the late Juhan Simonson, long time president of the Estonian American National Council, the producers met people in Washington DC, New Jersey, New York and Boston.
In part one we hear from the family of architect Lembit Kiil, Estonian World Council president Jaak Juhansoo, Rein and Anu Pirn from Massachusetts and the young and talented composer Lembit Beecher.

These are the episodes of “Estonians in America – 20 years later” which have already appeared on TV in Estonia – forthcoming episodes each Sunday, accessible via website


12 osaline saatesari “Ameerika eestlased vol 2” alustas pühapäeval, 13. jaanuaril kell 19.30 Eesti aja järgi (12.30 p.l. USA idarannikul) Tallinna TV-s. Saade on vaadatav reaalajas ka interneti vahendusel

Saatesari koosneb 40st kohtumisest USA idaranniku eestlastega. Eesti maja juhataja dr. Toomas Sõrra ja kauaaegse Eesti Rahvuskomitee esimehe Juhan Simonsoni (lahkus novembris) abiga tegi saatebrigaad filmireisi New-Yorgist, läbi New Jersey, Bostonisse ja Washingtoni.

Esimeses saates kohtutakse arhitekt Lembit Kiili perega, ajatakse juttu Ülemaailmse Eesti Kesknõukogu presidendi Jaak Juhansooga, räägitakse abielupaar Rein ja Anu Pirniga Massachusettsist ning tutvutakse noore ja andeka helilooja Lembit Beecheriga.

Edasi igal pühapäeval kell 19.30 Tallinna TV-s.  Seda on võimalik vaadata ka otse kodulehel või ka järelvaatamisega sama lehekülje arhiivis.